First Day of Preschool 2006
Here are a few pics taken today - Nate's first day of preschool! He looked so handsome with his new polo shirt and a nice fresh haircut!! And of course, the girls had to get in on the action as well!! (The single pic is of Lexi - the girls with me, Lexi is on the right.)
He did really well! They've changed the routine a bit from last year. We didn't have to take him to his classroom like before. We meet in front of the school and the teacher goes and picks up the bus kids first and then comes over and gets the ones waiting in front of the school. She has this neat little rope with those large pop beads on it so each student grabs a bead and follows. We thought Nate was going to take his bead and do fine but he tried to walk away so one of the teachers held his hand in one hand and his bead in the other to show him how to do it. But the best part is....HE DIDN'T CRY!! He just turned around and looked at us as he walked down the hall!!! I was SOOO proud!!