Thursday, July 27, 2006
Miss Maddie-Bed-Head
It was a hot one today - highest I saw on our thermometer was 92...on the news, the weatherman said that the dew point was near 70 (70 is oppressive), thus it felt around 95-96 degrees. Yeah, we have the air conditioner in...but the kids' rooms still stay around 78-80. I put the girls down for a nap like normal but instead of both of them waking at the same time, Lexi woke up first. When I went in to get her, Maddie had her fleece blankie literally wrapped around her head and neck. So when she did finally wake up, she had a VERY sweaty head that left her with a bad case of bed head! Check out the Donald Trump combover!!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006
Our Big Boy, Nathaniel

Today, on a whim, I pulled out the camera and put the 50mm lens on. I absolutely LOVE this lens - just look at the great shots it takes! Anywho...on to the more important stuff.
Can I just say how proud I am of my little guy?! At Thanksgiving last year, Nate didn't have one single word he could say. Now, less than a year later, he has so many words in his vocabulary that I can't keep track of them all. He'll now repeat (or at least try) anything we ask him. He's saying some two- and three-word combinations as well as some multisyllable words, his favorites are rabbit and ribbit, ribbit.
I'm just so proud of him! I love hearing his little voice when he "want riiiice ceeaaam". And when we're walking through the grocery store and he yells out as loud as he can "AAAAAAPPPLLEEEE" (with the emphasis on the "appp" part). I can't wait to hear more from him!
Our Madison Dove
And here's Miss Madison! The first shot was an accident...and neither of them were really happy. Maddie was pushing against Nate to make him move out of the chair and he wasn't having any of that!! But the photo came out great anyway!! And then the next couple of photos are just her sitting pretty! :) And the last one is her and Lexi wrestling on the chair!! She's laughing because her head is against Lexi's rear!!

Our Alexis Julia
Here are some shots of Miss Lexi. She sure is a camera hog! And look at her striking a pose in that second shot! :) If you click on the first or third shot, you can really see that her eye color has now changed to almost brown.
The last couple of shots are self-explanatory...nothing better than your own toes! If I did that, it'd take a trip to the ER to get bent back into the right position!! LOL

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Last night after we put the girls to bed, Joe needed to work on the computer in the bedroom and I had a bunch of clothes to fold and put away. When we went back to the bedroom, Nate, of course, followed closely on our heals. He normally just wanders around our room getting into stuff or jumping on the bed. Well, at some point, he slipped out and back into the living room. We heard a suspicious noise and came out to this. He'd pulled EVERY single puzzle from the cabinet out onto the floor. The strange noise we'd heard was the 100-count box of wooden blocks being dumped onto the floor. In these pics, he was already picking up the blocks he'd dumped out.

Friday, July 14, 2006
My Precious Prince
How can you not love this little guy?! He was so worn out from school yesterday, that he crashed on the floor with his sisters running laps right in front of his face. He never moved a muscle! He didn't even take the time to find a pillow...just pulled up a babydoll a piece of the dogs blanket!
And since I'm already on the sleeping topic, when he fell asleep last night, he REALLY zonked. He NEVER sleeps on his back like this! He even propped his legs up!! :P
And the last pic was taken after he had a crying fit. He just looks SO sad! But don't worry, he wasn't like that for long! :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
A Lazy Day
We're just hanging around the house today and I decided to take some shots. Unfortunately, the girls weren't too cooperative since it was just before naptime. Nate didn't cooperate at all, hence why there are no pics of him. I was attempting to get some pics of Lexi's curls in the back. You can see them a little in these pics. And Maddie just wouldn't look at the camera...but you can see her long eyelashes!! The first 3 are Lexi...the last 2 are Maddie.

Monday, July 10, 2006
More Fair Stuff!
We didn't take many photos of the kids at the fair this time. Nathaniel hated the rides and this year actually cried when we put him on. Last year he didn't cry but he wasn't exactly happy. His first ride this year was the little car ride. Then Joe took him on the Scrambler and the Tilt O Whirl. As you can see, he wasn't impressed at all. What the kids did love was all the junk food that the fair brings. You can see Lexi LOVED the fries and was pointing for more! Even Nate ate some, which anyone that knows us, knows the eating and pickiness issues we have with him. You can see him sharing an Italian sausage with daddy!! The picture of him in his chair was before the parade! Unfortunately, he didn't sit in it long!

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