Our Big Boy, Nathaniel

Today, on a whim, I pulled out the camera and put the 50mm lens on. I absolutely LOVE this lens - just look at the great shots it takes! Anywho...on to the more important stuff.
Can I just say how proud I am of my little guy?! At Thanksgiving last year, Nate didn't have one single word he could say. Now, less than a year later, he has so many words in his vocabulary that I can't keep track of them all. He'll now repeat (or at least try) anything we ask him. He's saying some two- and three-word combinations as well as some multisyllable words, his favorites are rabbit and ribbit, ribbit.
I'm just so proud of him! I love hearing his little voice when he "want riiiice ceeaaam". And when we're walking through the grocery store and he yells out as loud as he can "AAAAAAPPPLLEEEE" (with the emphasis on the "appp" part). I can't wait to hear more from him!
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