Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
It's Finally Finished!!
Well, we're finished! After several months and tons of hard work, we've finished the basement. We're having a dumpster delivered on Wednesday so that we can start going through all the boxes that are currently sitting in Joe's workshop portion of the basement. We're going to be adding a few more wall cabinets for storage but other than that, we're done! Here are the finished photos...don't mind the mess. Not much we can do with all that until the dumpster is here!!
This is the entryway. The treadmill is staying there but in the other corner, we're going to be putting a chair and a small table, to make a small sitting area.
This is a small little nook that we're still not 100% sure what we're going to do with. We stuck the refrigerator there for now but not sure if it will stay or not. We may end up using it as storage.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
- A designer of livestock handling facilities
- A professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University
- B.A. from Franklin Pierce College (less than an hour from where I live), M.S. from Arizona State University and Ph. D. from University of Illinois
- Featured in Time Magazine, People Magazine, New York Times, Forbes and US News among others
- Featured on 20/20, 48 Hours, CNN's Larry King Live, Primetime Live and the Today Show
- Written hundreds of articles featured in journals and other publications
- Written several books
And most astounding, she's autistic. Temple Grandin was diagnosed with severe autism by the age of 3. Her entire life story has really intrigued me, touched me and given me even more hope for Nathaniel.
I recently read her book, Emergence: Labeled Autistic and it was superb. If you have a couple of hours to spare, it's worth the read. She describes in detail what it was like for her as a child to have autism. And how she learned to deal with the world around her.
To continue with my Autism awareness, I thought I would post this wonderful BBC show Horizons, that featured a story about Temple. It's in 5, 10-minute pieces and very interesting.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
This was the first year of dying Easter eggs with all 3 kids and what a fun time! None of them understood the "drop it gently" concept so we ended up with blue dye on our kitchen table. (***NOTE*** Mr. Clean Magic Erasers take blue dye off of kitchen tables) They had a good time though! Check it out.
Friday, April 06, 2007
This website not only gives a definition of Autism but also a list of symptoms as well as a list of other more common Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).