Easter Eve in the Ledvina House
This was the first year of dying Easter eggs with all 3 kids and what a fun time! None of them understood the "drop it gently" concept so we ended up with blue dye on our kitchen table.
(***NOTE*** Mr. Clean Magic Erasers take blue dye off of kitchen tables) They had a good time though! Check it out.
Watching Daddy in amazement! Lexi's in the brown, Maddie in pink.

PLOP! Maddie dying her first egg!

Nate waiting patiently for his egg to finish!

Lexi just hangin' out!

Watching as daddy takes the egg out. You can see how excited Nathaniel is as his hands are flapping (a common trait of autistic children). He only does it when he's very excited!

Nate & Maddie reaching for the eggs while daddy fervently tries to get the blue dye off the table with a Magic Eraser!

The end result!

Mr. Nate sitting by mommy while she takes egg pictures.

Mr. Nate being sneaky! CAUGHT!
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