The birthday season is among us. We have several birthdays this month and it began with my nephew Aidan's birthday on the 4th. Nathaniel's 4th birthday was yesterday and I think he had a good day. We're going to celebrate with Grandma & Grandpa on Sunday. Here are a few photos from yesterday.In lieu of birthday cupcakes, I decided to change it up and make a birthday cookie cake instead. It was my first attempt and it came out pretty good. Joey helped with the decorating, of course!
The cupcake for our mini celebration after he got home from school!

Waiting to blow out his candles.

Eating his cake! He LOVED the balloons!

Opening his presents!

A bubble machine! The boy LOVES bubbles almost as much as balloons!

Lexi enjoying the bubble machine too.

We told Nate to catch the bubbles - so he went and got a bucket to try!!

Maddie catching bubbles.
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