Saturday, August 25, 2007

Everyone pointing at the ocean at Ogunquit beach (except Lexi, who chose to pick her nose instead).
The ONLY photo of all 3 of them together on the break wall. The girls hated being up there.

Love this one of Nate.
Nate with his first seashell! He was saying "shell" here!
The girls standing in front of the break wall.
Maddie posing for the camera.
The girls hugging.
And a kissy!
Love this one too!


Unknown said...

wow brandy those are awesome. looks like a successful day. Some perfect pics there. Very nice work!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Love them all and the color...oh, the colors! Love the last one the most!

Anonymous said...

WoW...those are wonderful pictures!! Love the beach scenes! I need to learn how to use my camera better! LOL. Very talented!


TnMomTo3 said...

This whole set of pictures are fabulous!! You really know how to capture the moment!!