Beauty School Dropout...I'm not really but I do love Grease!! Anyway for those of you who haven't heard the story, a couple of months ago after I'd taken a french braid out of Lexi's hair, Joe thought she'd find amusement in her "crimpy" hair. We took her into the bedroom and stood her in front of the full length mirror. In simple terms, she freaked. She screamed and cried about her "fluffy" hair until I finally sprayed it down with water and brushed it straight. She has now become obsessed with NOT having "fluffy" hair. She absolutely won't let me braid it anymore. And when we remove ponies, she immediately asks for "spray and brush it please". So I don't know what I was thinking when I bought a cheap package of rollers at Walmart last weekend. I'd talked about using them a couple of times and she did NOT seem receptive to the idea. But today when I mentioned it, Maddie seemed excited about it...and not to be outdone by her sister, Lexi jumped on board as well. So I grabbed the package and put them in! Lexi even volunteered to go first. Got them all in both girls' hair, used the blowdryer to speed up the process a bit....and then Lexi got upset when I told her it was time to take them out. She thought they were meant to stay in!! After some convincing, she said it was ok to remove them. Pictures you ask? Why of course I took photos!! Check 'em out!
Miss Madison - still doing that funny face when I ask her to smile!!
Lexi Lou
Another of Lexi...
Lexi Lou Who

I was actually quite surprised that she didn't freak out when she saw her reflection in the glass (she uses the glass on the entertainment center as a mirror). But she did ask for barrettes so I put in a couple of clips for her and she was all set! :)
Aww, how cute! I'm glad they enjoyed their girlie time getting their hair fixed.
=) Brooke
Oh Brandy! The Farrah Fawcett do is hilarious! All of the pictures were fantastic!
Wow! Their hair looks great! I wonder if Callie & Emma would let me do that? :)
Oh these are the sweetest pictures! LOL.... What a cute little girl! dalayney
Very cute and girly entry. Loved looking at all the pics. Way to go mom!
Those are adorable pictures. They are so cute. :)
Awwww, how cute. I wish I had a girl to do fun things like that with!
ahhhhhhhhhh another so cute one!!!
Do you remember the blow dryers with the plastic head caps!!! My mom use to put me under one of those and sit there til my hair was dry.. it had one of those funny hoses attached to it.. LOL LOL!! I have a picture of that!!
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