A Whole Lotta Nothing
We've finally recovered from the holidays! And today we enjoyed nice 60 degree temperatures, which is unheard of in New England in January!! But nonetheless, it was great to open up the house and let it air out. I snapped a couple of pics of the girls while Nate was at school today and I thought I'd share.


Nate's drawing skills have been improving by leaps and bounds! For the longest time, he always drew with the same color and always drew the same things. But then shortly before Christmas, he started drawing other things and he began using multiple colors per drawing. I thought I'd share a few pieces of his!
This one we painted today actually. As of yesterday, he can draw cars. :) I drew the tree and the car to the left of it. He drew the other car with the attached wagon and the tree in the upper left.
This pic Nate drew before Christmas. It's my absolute favorite. It's the characters from Monsters Inc. I've labelled the characters so years from now I won't forget who's who!

And this was also done before Christmas. At school, they've been working with Nate on making his letters a little smaller and more uniform. If you use these boxes, he does great! He was using his magnadoodle last night and we were surprised to see the uniformity following through to things without the boxes.
Fabulous job Nate!!
Wow! That's amazing!!! He is quite good! :)
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