A Day at the Beach
Our neighbor has been going to our little town's lake/beach religiously for the last 2 weeks because her kids are taking swimming lessons. The kids and I tagged along today and I really wish I would've tagged along 2 weeks ago! The kids and I had a GREAT time! Anyone that knows me IRL knows that I'm extremely fair skinned...as in, will burn within an hour even WITH sunscreen on. So I was completely overjoyed to see an entire section of the beach shaded and empty!! WOOHOO! I guess people actually go to the beach wanting to sit in the sun - go figure. :)
We spent a good 3 hours there and really had a blast. I was actually surprised that Nate didn't play much in the water. When we first got there, he asked if he could go in and I walked out with him and tried to tell him not to go up past his upper thighs...and I think he didn't really understand because after we walked out of the water, he wouldn't go back in. VERY unusual for him since he loves playing in the water. The girls went in a lot but with one exception, never went up past their mid/upper thighs.
Other than the shade, the best part of the beach is that there's a lifeguard on duty. I am NOT a swimmer...honestly, it wouldn't hurt my feelings to never be in the water again (outside showering, of course). It's this fear of drowning thing...I have it. And really, the reason I hadn't tagged along 2 weeks ago is this insane fear that Nate wouldn't listen to me and get in trouble in the water and then not be able to help him. So the lifeguard on duty was a big draw for me. And I shouldn't have worried anyway since Nate listened perfectly...ok, well not perfectly. He had this little issue with throwing sticks into the water.
Anyway, I know y'all want to see the pics... here ya go! :)
As usual, Nate finds a way to incorporate numbers wherever we go! The arrow is pointing to the number 10 that Nate wrote in the sand. 10 indicates the number of sand castles he built. I really need to find the boy some big ol' plastic dump trucks to take with us for next time. All we have are the original metal Tonka trucks and those are WAY too heavy to lug to the beach.

Adorable pics! The kids look so happy to be there. We have spent a lot of time in the pool this summer but haven't made it to the beach yet. I wish we had one that was calm like that around here.
Wow, Nate does look so grown up in these. Especially with that short hair of his.
I'm glad they were tentative about the water for your sake. Makes it easy for mom to keep an eye on them!
My mom was afraid of the water when I was younger and one time my little brother did start drowning and she was so paralyzed with fear she couldn't help him. Luckily there were other adults and some other lady jumped in to save him! So I understand about you waiting to take them to the beach!
Cute pictures of really cute kids! Looks like they had a blast at the beach.
What a great beach! Looks like a very fun time all around. :)
Looks like a lot of fun Brandy! Lexi has the same bathing suit that Madeline used to have :)
Looks like they had a lot of fun at the beach! Cute pics and cute kids! :)
Sounds like a great time for you all. Nate's 10 made me smile. What a sweetie. He is getting tall. Your girls have such cute swimsuits.
I know a few people like you who burn easily. Not fun for sunny outings where you are out all day. Was meant to be that you found a shady spot!
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