Today's Artwork
brought to you by Crayola
Here's Maddie's masterpiece - she called it "daddy". You can totally see the resemblance; the hair, the goatee, the winking eye and the lopsided grin. Not sure about the inflamed foot though. :)

Nate is finally holding his crayons/pencils with the correct tripod grip (mostly). His contol has MUCH improved over the last year. And in the last 2 months, we've really noticed the girls hand control improving as well. Both girls (especially Lexi) have perfected the tripod grasp on crayons and can do pretty well staying within the lines. Maddie, who's leaning more and more towards being a lefty, sometimes has trouble deciding which hand she should use. She has better control with her left (in my opinion anyway) but there are times she's insistent upon using her right. Who am I to tell her not to? So she switches back and forth! :)
You have some artists on your hands. Great pictures; I too love the blue pigs. I have a HUGE fondness for kid's pictures. They are small treasures for me.
They're creative. I love Nate's. And I like the inflamed foot on Maddie's. I like the blue pigs, too ;)
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