A Change from Photos of Kids
As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, since Nate has started school, the improvements that he's made are remarkable. I give a lot of credit to the teachers/therapists that he works with at school and I like to give them a gift at the end of the year that shows (at least I hope it does) how much I appreciate all their hard work throughout the year.
This year I decided to do Teacher Survival Kits. They're a bit cute-sy but I really liked the idea. I altered Chinese Takeout Boxes from Michaels and liked how they came out (it was my first attempt). Inside, I put things like a travel size pack of kleenex (with a tag that said "To dry the tears...yours and theirs"), a pack of Starburst (with a tag that said "For when you need a BURST of energy"), a glue stick (because you're the GLUE that holds the class together), etc. and then topped it off with a GC to Target. I also handmade each of them a thank you card.
Last year, I made bookmarks using some of Nate's artwork from that year and put his picture and the year on it. This year, I put his artwork on the front of a card and then had him write the message on the inside of the card (with me telling him how to spell the words). Then we included a couple of pictures.
Nate's thank you card (front)
I had this scrapbooking paper so I put some on the inside of the card so it was easier for him to keep straight lines. Worked great!!
And these are the survival kits.