A Massachusetts State
Bird Sighting in NH
When I moved to New England 10 years ago, I had my first learning experience quite early on. The Massachusetts State Bird is not a feathery friend but a middle finger that usually flies quickly from your vision while in a moving car. :) And so, for your viewing pleasure...the Massachusetts State Bird...
Natey givin' his momma the bird!
And another without the bird present...
And a disclaimer I should've put on here earlier this week...you're going to get so sick of seeing photos of the kids. Now that summer is officially here, we'll be spending tons of time outside and while the kids play, I tend to pass the time by snapping shots. Most of them corny and technically not great, it's what gets me through the long days! :) Soooooooooooo here are some more!
And a lovely photo of the girls feet...can you tell which girl is which? LOL Just kidding! Maddie's on the left, Lexi the right.
Maddie "dead-heading" my petunias for me. Sometimes she got a bit overzealous and picked some that weren't quite dead. But that's ok...she thoroughly enjoyed herself.
Oh yes...the bubble machine, which I thought was long-time dead due to overfilling with bubbles by the children, was brought back to life by a new set of batteries. So guess what the children have been doing this week? You guessed it, overfilling the bubble machine with bubbles!! Here's Lexi with a bubble in front of her forehead and showing me her shovel.
And I've been trying to brush up on my french braiding skills. Since our unfortunate mirror incident a year or so ago, it's been a fight to let Lexi (who has the longer hair) put them in. I finally threatened her with not playing outside if she didn't let me do it. Yeah, I know...I'm horrible. As soon as Maddie caught wind of not going outside if you didn't have a braid in your hair, she volunteered for 2 braids (but only got one). Here's my second attempt at a double french braid (the day before I did it and wasn't photo worthy) on Lexi.
And another of my Natey...gosh, I love that face.
Maddie amongst the bubbles.
Keeping a close eye on that bubble machine, I tell ya...
I love seeing pictures of your kids. They are photogenic to a 't'! I laughed out loud when you asked if we could tell your girls apart from their sandals. I deserved that one!!
French braids are a favorite of mine. You did a great job!
Your comment about the Mass. State bird is quite funny! Couldn't be more true!
Great pictures of all your kids Brandy!
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