Hardwood Is Unforgiving
Well, it seems I'm not the only one prone to injury in this family. Yesterday, Lexi was practicing her gymnastics routine from my end tables - picture one hand on each of the end tables that are spread just a little too far apart. She kicked her muscled legs back to where she was almost horizontal with the floor and her hands slipped off the tables and she fell...and she hard. But don't worry, her chin caught her fall.
I know, I know. I'm terrible...making fun and all. But if you could've heard me not 2 minutes before that telling her not to do that because she was going to fall and get hurt. So I was having a really hard time feeling sympathy for the poor child...until I saw that almost immediately it began to turn purple and swell up. Then I had just a teensy bit of sympathy for her and got her an ice pack (chuckle now because it was the same ice pack that sat on my stinky broken foot for 3 days hahaha). She sat on the couch with it on her chin for almost 15 minutes...that's a record for her sitting still, btw.
Anyway, got up this morning and this is what it looks like.

Aww...poor girl! That looks painful! You know, Brandy, I am an adult and still do silly stuff like this. I should know better and with my record of scars, should stop and be grateful, but I don't know how!! Sometimes we have to learn the hard way. Nice to know you have passed on some "qualities", isn't it? Just kidding!!
Ouch! I still panic a little every time I see a kid get hurt. Still, they do it several times a week, so we should be used to it! Hope her chin heals quickly!
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