More Randomness and MIA
Is that even a word? Randomness? Eh, who it a Brandyism. :)
Anyway, we've had another busy week and I haven't had a chance to update. Here are some pics from the week!
Natey hanging out in his clubhouse! Doesn't he look cool?!
Lexi Lou with her nasty chin bruise! It looks even worse now. It's this bright reddish-purple mark. Ick! And just in time for family pics in a couple of days!
Joe and his buddy went for a 2 day photography trip so his wife, Candy (hey girl! :P), and I took the kids to a children's fair in a neighboring town. It was SO much fun. Here the kids are watching chickens hatch in the incubator.
And a bunny rabbit!
The girls LOVE animals and Nate hates them. They jumped at the chance to go in and pet the goats.
Their favorite part of the day - ICE CREAM!
This morning, we took the hooligans mini-golfing (or as Lexi called it Gulching - as in Elmyra Gulch from the Wizard of Oz). They had a good time but got bored after about 7 holes.
Here's the big moose! You can't help but miss it when you drive by. Too by the kidlets wouldn't look at the camera!!
And a butterfly that landed on a flower as we were heading by one of the holes.
And they had this horse you could put the kids up on. It isn't electric or anything, just something to set them up on. We got pics of each kid on it but this one stole the show. He was in the middle of a big "GIDDYUP!!"
I'll be MIA for a few days - watch next weekend for LOTS and LOTS of new photos!! :)
Looks like my kind of outing! Great pictures as usual. I bet the kids will be talking about this for a while. I know I would! Love Nate's expression in the last picture. Makes me smile too!
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